Innovative Performance Strategies

Our Approach

The foundation of Innovative Performance Strategies’ approach is building collaborative partnerships with our clients and involving them every step of the way in order to achieve their targeted results.

We apply our “Client Engagement Process” to drive success from initial discovery of the specific need to final assessment of the project outcomes and the partnership experience.

Growing Our Partnership
A central component of our approach is the establishment of collaborative relationships with clients based on five core values:  integrity, authenticity, trust, reliability and excellence.  Clients have identified one of our key strengths as “the ability to successfully and quickly establish rapport through open and honest communication and a sincere appreciation for everyone’s perspectives.”

Two ideals that drive our approach to client partnerships are:

  1. Together we can create the future:  We help people embrace change and look at it as an opportunity to grow, to achieve and to learn.
  2. We must focus not only on achievement, but also on relationships:  We assist companies and individuals in learning how to work collaboratively and to respect and leverage the diversity of each other’s expertise and ideas.

Client Engagement Process
With every client engagement, Innovative Performance Strategies utilizes an end-to-end, strategic approach that focuses on achieving the defined outcomes of the project.  Our five-step approach, grounded in proven design methodology such as ADDIE and organization development theory, follows a path from initial analysis of needs and expectations to final evaluation of project effectiveness.



For a description of the client engagement process, click on the graphic.

At Innovative Performance Strategies, we operate under the premise that those individuals who are ultimately responsible for the implementation and success of a project must be part of the process from the beginning.  Their expertise and support are crucial in developing work products and solutions that will result in the attainment of specified objectives and a more engaged workforce.  We feel very strongly that with mutually defined expectations and transparent communication, we can accomplish great things together!!


First comes thought; then organization of that thought into ideas and plans; then transformation
of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.”
Napolean Hill